Kamala Is A Dangerous Idiot and Trump Must Live (and Win), Part 1

By: Lew Moore

So, as I predicted, Kamala went for the one line zinger method of debate prep, which avoids all those facts and boring policy prescriptions. The preparations were led by David Plouffe, former Obama campaign manager and seriously, a very sharp guy.

Nonetheless, Kamala showed herself to be totally unlikeable, desperate to hide her record, and unable to articulate anything beyond the words she memorized, which were evidently not replayed through her earrings, but prompted by the ABC “journalists.” She further proved that point with an absurd post-debate interview with a local Philadelphia journalist where the word salad and obfuscation was flowing.

It’s really no joke. Kamala Harris is one heartbeat from the presidency right now, and it may get worse.

But fortunately for those “forces of democracy,” many helpers surround her. The Fed is about to lower interest rates, what every Administration wants going into an election.  A possible drop in oil prices may be coming due to actions taken by China. And Russia’s Putin applauds Kamala’s delightful laugh! And, wanting a fool across the table from him, he also heartily endorses Ms. Harris.

Despite the propaganda, Putin does not want to face Donald Trump across the negotiating table again. Therefore, the Russian tyrant celebrates “the delightful laugh” of the hapless Kamala and endorses her for President.

Then there is the dinosaur corporate news media, that still has too many seniors and suburban women in their thrall. They took the orders from headquarters and suddenly thrashed Biden for several days to get him out of the race. Once that distasteful task was behind them the usual “news” outlets have quickly reverted to fawning all over the empty platitudes of the “gun-owning,” “middle-class” little girl who grew up becoming whatever you might want her to be. Yes, Big Media is fully onboard the Kamala gaslighting program, even though a big part of the plan is for her not to talk to them.

Don’t forget that Party of Democracy, forcing candidates on and off the ballot. Bobby Kennedy, has been forced to stay on the ballot in Michigan. Cornell West and the gal from the Green Party are feeling some of that lawfare seeking  to get them off the ballot. Lawfare specialist Mark Elias is rackin’ up the frequent flyer miles making this type of Democracy happen all over the country.

The Democrats spent a ton of money to keep Bobby Kennedy OFF the ballot. Now they’re spending equal amounts to keep him ON the ballot where their earlier efforts were unsuccessful.

The ACLU answered the roll call. They are poised to harass conservative election administrators who might actually try to enforce the law in some of those RACIST states that still have election standards. Milktoast Merrick Garland is “fired up—ready to go,” seemingly willing  to arrest anyone for just about anything if it might help. Federal prosecutor Jack Smith has suffered some setbacks but along with those jerkwater local prosecutors whose names are too familiar to all of us he will do what he can for Kamala.

Mild-mannered Merrick Garland is a tyrant of the first order. He has made it plain he will use the Justice Department to go after election integrity advocates and help out Kamala any way he can.

And, lower your voice, hardcore election fraudsters are out there, in the bushes. But they are very likely to also be“ready to go” in Phoenix, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, Pittsburg, and in numerous other urban fiefdoms of the party of “democracy.”

Biden would like to help, within his very short work day.  But he also needs some time to get over his anger issues at Kamala’s double-dealing with Obama behind his back. At least he did renew the national emergency declaration that gives the Feds some pretty scary powers which will be arrayed against anyone “undermining public confidence in United States elections.”  

And finally we come to those helpers with semi-automatic rifles with scopes. Which brings us to Trump, as just about everything in the political world has for the last nine years. Yes, Trump continues to be in the crosshairs. But getting shot at is really good for his numbers as long as no vital organs are hit.

Before The Trump rally at Butler, PA, July 13, 2024. They will try to kill him again.


If you go through my podcasts, you’ll see I was right about Biden’s departure. I was right about Kamala’s debate strategy. However, I was wrong about how quickly the Democrat establishment would get behind Harris. I thought Obama was only double-dealing, telling Old Joe he was with him while setting up the scenario that pushed him out and would have caused the Dems to have had an “open convention,” pushing Kamala aside as well. I didn’t realize Mr. Fundamentally Transform America was actually triple-dealing, working with Harris behind the scenes while letting the other options play out. This is why Biden is so upset, with everybody. And this is why Obama soldier David Plouffe is essentially running the Kamela operations now.

And unfortunately, I was also right about them taking a second whack at Trump. And I will say it again, the Deep State will keep trying to kill Trump. And if it becomes really apparent that Kamala, not remotely capable of the job (of candidate), falters too much while there is still time for a change, she will be gone too. Or, they might make Kamala President during the campaign, if you know what I mean. It’s a crazy time.

The bottom line is the Immaculate They must keep Trump out of the White House. The Dems currently in charge of the Fabian socialist project have been too overt about their censorship, covid-tyranny, swamping our border, spending us into bankruptcy, and getting the U.S. into another war, somewhere, anywhere. (And if China or Russia is directly involved it has already been named. It will be called World War III). And after stealing the 2020 election, these Marxist plotters have obstructed every attempt to protect our elections from aliens voting, dirty voter rolls, or those voting machines whose totals you can change by inserting a ballpoint pen. So the lot of them are very, very, vulnerable now.

Obama still APPEARS to be in charge. He plotted with the Clintons and others to get rid of Biden, while seeking to keep Kamala from the nomination. At the same time he assured Biden of his support, and also plotted with Kamala to let her take Ole’ Joe’s place. Triple-dealing Barack now has his trusted former campaign manager David Plouffe running the Harris-Walz campaign.

Conversely, Trump must win, to continue to expose our enemies and buy us time. We need a November victory which will fully expose our enemies when they go nuts and desperately try to reverse the results. We need these things to stoke  the growing uprising across our great land which will unshackle us, and end the gradual Marxist project our nation has been subjected to for over 100 years.

Millions of Americans are waking up to the impending horror of total government. We need protection of the 1st Amendment to allow them to become better informed, and moved to RESIST. And we need many more of them. We need to keep America out of bankruptcy and the social chaos that would ensue. We need to prevent America from being completely swamped by aliens. We need to keep America out of World War III.

Lew Moore is a recovering  political consultant and host of the podcast Hour of Decision, which along with his book Forerunner: the Unlikely Role of Ron Paul, can be found here.

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