As SecureVote.News has previously reported, James O’Keefe is telling us the GOP’s Winred may also be laundering donations by reporting hundreds of them through unsuspecting donors who couldn’t possibly be giving that much money to candidates and political committees
Putin’s “Lake of Money” and his close allies, the Rotenberg brothers
News for America’s Lowell Nelson and Lew Moore will join Alex Newman, Sheriff Richard Mack, and others in presenting live election night coverage on Liberty News Radio and Rumble
Kamala Is A Dangerous Idiot and Trump Must Live (and Win), Part 1

Kamala Is A Dangerous Idiot and Trump Must Live (and Win), Part 1 So, as I predicted, Kamala went for the one line zinger method of debate prep, which avoids all those facts and boring policy prescriptions. The preparations were led by David Plouffe, former Obama campaign manager and seriously, a very sharp guy. Nonetheless, […]